Friday, 22 February 2019

Cardi B - I Like It Dance Fitness Routine | MsAriella89

"I Like It" by Cardi me:

Hi, my name is Ariella. I got my last relaxer the summer of 2009. I began watching YouTube videos in search of someone with a similar curl pattern and texture. At that time, the natural hair community on YouTube was much smaller. I did't recognize anyone with hair quite like mine. And so I began to document my journey through vlogging to keep track of my progress and hopefully help anyone else out who might have felt as lost as I did. Along the way my channel has evolved to include bits of other avenues like skin care and fitness. I deal with acne and am a personal trainer, so any questions there, feel free to ask =] I hope my channel helps others to feel comfortable and confident in their own skin.

For business inquiries:

S U B S C R I B E arispella

Facebook: arispella


Braid-Out: Up-Do : My Hair: and Go: Method:

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